French Real Estate Market
French house prices continue to rise modestly, despite continued social unrest and broader eurozone slowdown. In Metropolitan France, house prices rose by a modest 3% during the year to Q1 2019 (1.8% inflation-adjusted), at par with the previous year's growth, according to the National Institute for Statistical and Economic Studies (INSEE). It was the thirteenth consecutive quarter of year-on-year price hikes. Quarter-on-quarter, house prices increased 0.7% in Q1 2019 (0.9% inflation-adjusted). The good news is that if you have an apartment in Paris you will have no trouble letting it. Demand outstrips supply,
There are no restrictions on foreign ownership in France. Most property is freehold. Apartments are mostly held in two forms of freehold: co-ownership (which has meetings of co-owners, with votes taken and accounts kept), and volumes, adapted mostly for mixed-use developments. There are also leaseholds, for up to 99 years.

International Real Estate Investment in France
A foreigner can legally buy and operate real estate in France. As a result, France has always been a real estate option for an investor who wants to diversify his portfolio and enjoy a favourable economic trend.
The real estate market in France is favourable for transactions and investments for several reasons:
- A transparent and open system.
- The law is in favour of the owners and protects them.
- A foreigner can become owner in France.
- Taxation is favourable.
The European Union and the other countries signed an agreement in order to avoid the double taxation on the rental income but also on the inheritances and the donations.

Before Purchasing a Property
In order to have a clear definition of your project and meet your goal, it is necessary to process as follow:
Before any process or research, it is necessary to define tangible objectives for your future investment: a rental profitability or an appreciation of your property, etc. We help on market specifics.
After Defining your budget, our team in Miami will make available all the best properties that meet budget and your goal.
Creation and registration of your company within 72 hrs. until ID Tax number id provided by the German tax authorities.
Following the creation of your company, the next most important step is to open a bank account for all the transactions related to your investment: Rent payments, property tax payments, etc. The opening of your account can be carried out remotely by our Miami team on presentation of your credentials and registration of your company in the US. You will have access to an online bank
Purchasing a Property
Besides the definition of your project and the creation of your company, our French Team will support you in the research, negotiation and acquisition of your real estate property.
introductory market study will help outline your research and target opportunities on properties for sale, new or pre-construction. Click below to see our listing.
Our Team will also help you to schedule your stay in France in accommodation, travel, property showings, etc. Then, you select the most appropriate property before drafting an offer.
After final acceptance, the Purchase Agreement is written according to the laws of France and the European Union. A deposit of 10% of the amount is required at the signing of the contract. It will be blocked on the Escrow Account of the Title Company in charge of necessary investigations.4. SIGNATURE AND “CLOSING DISCLOSURE”
After due process, Contract is signed and the balance and other fees shall be paid. Agency and Notary Fees: 1.5-5% of the amount
Legal Representation
Our French Agents and Reprsentatives are always here to assist our prospective international investors to meet their needs. We give our clients a full representation and bring them all the tools needed to realize their real estate investment safely.When investing in France, our priority is to make sure that this investment is protected as well as the investors under the French Laws and the European Union. Having a legal structure in place will be beneficial in many ways: 1) Better Tax Optimization, 2) Privacy and 3) Liability.