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Agriculture & Allied Activities

Agriculture is one of the largest and most important business industries in the world, contributing up 4% globally and in some least-developed countries, it can account for more than 25% of GDP. Agriculture mainly encompasses crop and livestock production, including dairy, poultry, aquaculture, fisheries (pisciculture), honey production (apiculture), forestry, and water and soil conservation. It provides about one-quarter of all global employment, more than half in sub-Saharan Africa and almost 60% in low-income countries. MDACI / MDACI CONSORTIUM helps you sustainably develop your Agribusiness and Agricultural Industry to full mechanization and bankability, providing the best equipment and most advanced solutions. The main economic development burden of sub-Saharan Africa and low-income countries is the absence of mechanized agriculture.

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What We Do For You

MDACI / MDACI CONSORTIUM is committed to helping you develop yours Agribusiness and Agricultural Industry to full mechanization and bankability, providing the best equipment and most advanced solutions for your sustainable economic growth. On, global business produces studies and discoveries provided with accurate information and data that help you better understand the current and future development conditions and business trends of the Agricultural industry. Are you an agribusiness company , agriculture associations, government agency, researchers, and students in the agricultural business sector? Then, browse through our high-quality products and services developed from original analysis, creative thinking to solve Agricultural business challenges.


Agriculture is the practice of growing crops, livestock, fish, trees, and other living organisms for food or other products. Agriculture has a long history, with humans beginning to farm plants about 11,000 years ago.

Agriculture and Agribusiness

Agribusiness is a combination of the words "agriculture" and "business". It refers to commerce in farming and farming-related activities, covering the production, processing, and distribution of farm-based goods. Companies in the agribusiness industry comprise all aspects of food production. 

Agribusiness encompasses the economic sectors for farming and farming-related commerce. It involves all the steps for getting agricultural goods to the market, including production, processing, and distribution. The industry is a traditional part of any economy, especially for countries with arable land and excess agricultural products for export. 

Challenges of Agribusiness

Countries with a large farming sector face constant pressure from global competition. Products such as wheat, corn, and soybeans are commodities that are similar wherever they are grown, making one's area's product easily replaceable by another's if it can get to market at a lower price. Remaining competitive requires agribusinesses to operate more efficiently, often involving investments in new and smart technologies, new ways of fertilizing and watering crops, and new ways of bringing goods into the global market.

Global prices of agricultural products can change rapidly, making crop planning complicated. Farmers may also have less arable land to work with as suburban and urban areas expand into the farm regions.

Climate change is perhaps the greatest common challenge for agribusinesses worldwide. It is one of the industries most affected by and also involved in propelling climate change. Estimates vary widely but nevertheless show the depth of the challenge: agribusiness worldwide accounts for about 17% of the world's greenhouse gas emissions, helping to drive the rise in global temperatures.

At the same time, agribusiness is also heavily impacted by the volatility in average temperatures and rainfall, as well as extreme weather. Heat waves, droughts, extreme storms, and wildfires (all exacerbated by climate change) can cause damage to crops and threaten livestock. Rising temperatures can threaten growing conditions for crops and could limit production in many regions, while the growing global population is increasing the demand for food. As of today, 10 June 2024, the rise in temperature and extreme heat in Africa have almost detroyed more than the third of production of Cocoa, meaning that the price of Chocolate will become more expensive.

All this represents a major challenge for agribusinesses, which face pressure to adopt more sustainable production methods. Finding ways to reduce emissions and adapt to a changing climate will be key to future success.

MDACI's Solution Offerings for the Agriculture Industry

MDACI / MDACI CONSORTIUM is committed to providing the most advanced and highest-quality solutions for sustainable economic growth of your agricultural and farming business, including:

    • Developing your agribusiness to bankability and financeability, including allied business activities such as food processing plant, wood processing plant and-all.
    • Modernizing your agribusiness to full mechanization with advanced, trendy and smart equipment and tools.
    • Helping you access funds and invest in modern farming techniques.  
    • Fostering collaboration between governments and communities.
    • Providing the best solutions for the development strategy of your products, customer relationship managments, market intelligence support and business research reports and performance strategy, etc.
    • Empowering smallholder farmers.
    • Adopting climate-smart practices.
    • Supplying inert solvents, co-solvents, and colours for crop protection.
    • Providing the best fertilizers, micronutients and the right seed treatment solutions to achieve optimal yield and high-quality of your crops business. Micronutrients are produced to act as plant nutrition and provide healthy growth and yield of a plant.
    • Supplying advanced, smart, high-quality and safe agricultural and farming technologies, equipment and tools, including greenhouse supplies, landscape and hardscape equipment and tools, netting and fencing equipment and accessories, indoor growing and hydroponics supplies, gardening equipment, growing and propagating supplies, composting and vermiculture supplies and homestead products.
    • Securing crop, soil and water testing supplies, including many other laboratory equipment and accessories.


What is a property warranty?

The property warranty is designed to cover the quality both residential and non-residential units, as well as the common areas of the building where the unit is located. The complaints procedure also applies to the technologies, equipment and accessories of the property, including the those (technologies and equipment) that are installed in external connecting systems (water systems, electricity supply network systems, and natural supply systems) securing the operation of the property.

How is a complaint reported?

Complaints must be sent to us in writing, by registered letter to the following Company address: MDAICReal, s.r.o. Generala Selnera 3256, Kladno, 272 01, Kladno. You can also send yours Complaints to the following e-mail address , or use the client section on our Every MDA RESIDENCES is provided with an operations management office that is responsible for the sustainable operations, maintenance and security of the Residence. Meaning that your Complaints will always be taken care and treated without delay.

How long does the property warranty last?

The warranty period lasts 36 months. It enters into effect from the effective date the transfer of ownership right of the property to the client at the relevant cadastral office, or on the day of legal formation of the association of unit (building or house) owners. The exception is the warranty period for silicone and acrylic sealants, here the deadline for submitting a claim is only Six (6) months.

What does the property warranty cover?

The warranty defects in material and workmanship provided by the contractor or his suppliers and for warranty defects in wiring of the building's technologies, equipment and accessories, including all mechanical systems. The warranty does not cover defects caused by Client or Owner who does not comply with the requirements prescribed the instructions given in the Complaints Regulations or the Manual for the operation and maintenance of the residential and non-residential units.

What does the property warranty do not cover?

These are, for example:

    • defects in items, their parts or accessories that were not included in the original delivery.
    • material defects or defects caused by work performed by someone other than the contractor,
    • defects arising from the use of the housing unit for non-residential purposes,
    • defects caused by improper handling,
    • normal wear.

How do you proceed with a complaint?

In the event of a justified complaint, we (MDAICReal) will agree with you on the basis of a given timetable to remove the defect in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Complaints Regulations. For this purpose, we will need have access to your unit and carry out the troubleshoot and evaluation of the defect for immediate repair.

What must be stated in the complaint?

When reporting your complaint, please indicate the followings in order to meet the requirements of the processing standards:

    • the date of the detected defect.
    • the detailed description of the defect, including any photo documentation of the defect, using the form below.
    • the name and address of the project, including street, unit number or place in the building and the exact location of the defect.
    • the proposal of the most suitable date for a visit.
    • contact (mobile phone or landline and e-mail) to confirm a possible visit for repair..

What happens if the owner does not cooperate with the contractor?

In the event that the property owner refuse to cooperate or does not provide the necessary data and information to the Project Developer (MDAICReal) for the adequate assessment and removal of the claimed defect as for instance by not allowing our technical team to access the unit within a maximum period of Sixty (60) days from the effective date of notification of the defect. In this case, the right to remove the defect shall unfortunately expires.



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Our Approach

Countries with a large farming sector face constant pressure from global competition. Products such as wheat, corn, and soybeans are commodities that are similar. Countries with a large farming sector face constant pressure from global competition. oybeans are commodities that are similar. Countries with a large farming sector face constant pressure from global.


Our Strategy

Countries with a large farming sector face constant pressure from global competition. Products such as wheat, corn, and soybeans are commodities that are similar. Countries with a large farming sector face constant pressure from global competition. oybeans are commodities that are similar. Countries with a large farming sector face constant pressure from global.


  • Nicolas COUDENE


    Flag United States
    United States
    PROFILE: .
    Languages: French, English and Spanish.

    The property warranty is designed to cover the quality both residential and non-residential units, as well as the common areas of the building where the unit is located. The complaints procedure also applies to the technologies.

    Contact us

  • Marcel DIONE


    Flag United States
    United States
    PROFILE: .
    Languages: French, English and Spanish.

    The property warranty is designed to cover the quality both residential and non-residential units, as well as the common areas of the building where the unit is located. The complaints procedure also applies to the technologies.

    Contact us

  • Emeka Bryan NWANKWO


    Flag United States
    United States
    PROFILE: .
    Languages: French, English and Spanish.

    The property warranty is designed to cover the quality both residential and non-residential units, as well as the common areas of the building where the unit is located. The complaints procedure also applies to the technologies.

    Contact us



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