II. Project Preparation Facility (PPF)
A well-structured PPF is highly important. It promotes the quality of developing a bankable and investment-ready project at the early stage and provide specific technical and/or financial support to the project owner or project company or concessionaire. The Facility, through reimbursable advances (preoperational expenses), finances a wide range of activities, which shall be undertaken and carried out by a qualified and experienced Developer like MDACI /MDACI CONSORTIUM to improve the quality at entry of projects. Such activities include the following tasks and responsibilities of the project.
- Pre-feasibility studies and feasibility studies, including value-for-money analysis;
- Detailed Technical Designs (DTD), including technical studies;
- Technoeconomic studies, including business plan, procurement documents, standarda and specifications.
- Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA), gender studies and studies on cross-cutting issues;
- Project contracts and agreements, including Draft EPCI Agreement or Draft Procurement Agreement, and-all.
- Developing the project tender documents, including tender notice.
- Tender publication and processing;
- Climate proofing of projects, including resilience to climate change; and
- Other related project preparation works and activities.