
Bankability creates high asset value

Bankability is the main financial and investment tool of all business industries 


Realised Projects

Realised Projects

  • Complete Bankable Development required finance and EPCM
  • Demonstrated technoeconomiically, financially and environmentally viable.
  • Inspection and inventory of project.
  • Tested and Commissioned.
  • Fully delivered to the Project Company/Owner.
  • Commencement of Project Operations.
  • Follow & Support by the Development.

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Under Development

Under Development

  • Fully signed Bankable Development Agreement of the Project
  • Planning of tasks & responsibilities in the Project Administration Manua, etc.
  • Site Preparation (Technical Development Plan, deforestation and leveling)
  • Complete Data Collection, including Topographic Map, Location Map, etc.
  • Detailed Technical Designs; EIA, etc.
  • Technoeconomic Studies.
  • Coodination of works betwen the entities

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Under Construction

Under Construction

  • Complete Bankable Documentation - for financiers, EPC Contractors, etc.
  • Acquisition of all required licenses & permits from the reevant local authorities.
  • Approved Licenses and Permits.
  • Detailed standardised Technical Designs (architectural, structural, electrical, etc.).
  • Moving construction equipment and materials to site.
  • Full start of works at site within 45 days from the effective date of kick-off meeting.
  • EPCM as scheduled in the bankable documentation.

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Frequently Asked Questions

This questionnaire are prepared and designed for you to better know and understand the bankable procedures that lead to a successful implementation of Redisential, Commercial and Industrial Estate Projects, and why invest with us.


What are the main Project Enties for a successful implementation of Real Estate Project?

The susccessful implementation of a Real Estate, whether Industrial Estate Project, Commercial Estate Project or Residential Estate Project, it is primarily required you engage a qualified Developer (i.e. Development Company) that is responsible for leading, organising, and managing the Project from Planning to Data Collection, Bankable Development and full EPCM (Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Management). The other tasks and responsibilities of the Project Deveoper include:

  • the selection of the Architectural Company, which is responsible for the detailed Technical Designs (TDs), including the Electrical, Mechanical, Structural/Construction designs, and the Quality and Quantity Survey and standards.
  • the selection of the right Financier that secures the necessary finance for the EPCM in accorandance with the requirements of the technoeconomic studies of the Bankable Development of the Project.
  • the selection of the EPC Contractor, responsible for the Engineering, Procurement and Construction of the Project according to the accepted standards, qualities and specifications assessed and defined in the Architectural, Electrical, Mechanical, Structural/Construction designs, and the Quality and Quantity Survey of the Bankable Development.
  • the selection of the Guarantors/Insurers of the Projects and the Investments provided by the Financiers and the Investors.
  • the selection of the legal advisers, who are responsible for the Project Contracts and Agreement (e.g. the EPC Agreement, Investment Agreement, Financial Agreement, Loan Agreement, etc.).

NOTE: Before you (i.e. Project Company or Project Owner) start the implementation of a Project, make sure that you have first the financial capacity (seed capital) to engage a qualified Developer that is ready, willing and able to put together all the Project Entities (Development Team, EPC Contractor, Financiers /Investors, Guarantors/Insurers, etc.) required for a successful implmentation of your project

What is a bankable project?

As defined by CCF (Cities Climate Finance), a project is bankable, whether from public or private sources, when its risk-return profile meets investors’ criteria and can secure financing for its EPCM. Bankability always leads to successul implementation of any Project. All our industrial, commercial and residential estate projects must be always designed and developped to bankability to attract investors and financiers. Our Experiences in Africa have shown that most of the African Project Companies or Project Owners do not still understand the main purposes and aims of a Bankable Development. This is the main reasons why more than 90% of the African Projects fails and the infrastructures are very poor and underdevelopped.

What are the main implementation Classification Phases of a Project?

The main implementation Classification Phases of a Project are:
  1. Project Proposal;
  2. Project Under Development;
  3. Project Under Construction;
  4. and Project Under Operation / Relaised Project.

What is a Project proposal?

The Project Proposal is the initial document outlining and defining all the data and information stakeholders or Project Entities should know about your project, including the Milestones, the Initial Budget for the Bankable Development and the EPCM, the Objectives, the Goals and the Requirements. The Project proposal represents the main working document between the Developer (also known as Development Company) and the Project Company /Project Owner (herein called the Client) before a potential initiation of the project. Thus, the project proposal is used to define the objectives and requirements of a project for the all the Project Entities (or external party). The Project Project enables the Project Entities understand and analyze the prefeasibility, feasibility and profitability of the Project. The main objective of the Project Proposal is to get the Project Entities, including the Project Company / Project Owner and Stakeholders to make decisions before engaging a qualified Developer to undertake the Development Agreement and demonstrate the technoeconomic feasibility and bankability of the Project, acceptable to the Financiers or Investors and guarantors to provide the required funding for its EPCM. It is very important you know that the Development Fee (which is included in the preoperational cost of the Project) must be secured by the Project Company / Project Owner from its own financial resource. Otherwise, we recommande you to contact MDACI and negotiate on the terms and conditions of raising the Development Cost through its registered Angel Investors or Venture Capitalists. To write a successful Project Proposal, the Project Company /Project Owner (or Client) and the Developer must be always on the same page.
The Project Company need to always think like the Clients and figure out exactly what they want to achieve with the project, without sacrificing the quality and international standards. As illustrated by Jow Towner on Forecast, It's the stage where the Developer shall start focusing on the results critical for the client, explaining why successful organizations get into so much detail with their project proposals. The main elements that must be addressed in the Project Proposal are:

    • Central problem: consists of the core problem the Developer shall solve.
    • Project resources: here, the Developer / Project Company shall clearly define the resources that are available
    • Project milestone / timeline: providing the suggested project milestones/timeline to solve the problem.
    • Project budget: provide the project's preliminary price.
    • Key project deliverables: defining of the project scope of works and expected success.


What is a Project Under Development?

A Project is under development from the effective date of signature of the Project Bankable Development bet the Developer and the Project Company / Project (the Client). Project development involves data collection, organizing, planning, designing, analysing, and evaluating all the variables that are required for the successful EPCM of the Project. The Project Bankability and financial requirements shall be developed and reported in the Project Administration Manual (PAM) by the Developer. This PAM shall include deciding materials, creating a project budget and defining the tasks and responsibilities for team members. It also involves the processes needed to complete a project, like changing the plans throughout project completion and identifying areas of improvement to help the project run more smoothly. Typically, project managers use five steps in project development, which include initiation, planning, execution, controlling and closing. Here are several items to keep in mind throughout project development:

    • Goals: The goals of a project are the intended outcomes that you want the project to accomplish, and they can include long-term or short-term goals for a workplace.
    • Milestone: The timeline of a project shows the schedule for when team members should complete their project tasks by, which ensures team members coordinate with the development plans and complete their tasks in a timely manner.
    • Materials: These involve the resources and equipment you need to complete a project.
    • Budget: This is the total amount of finances that your team can spend on a project, and it usually depends on the cost of materials and labour for a project.

What is a Project Under Construction?

A project (residential, commercial and industrial properties project) is under construction from the effective date of commencement of works at the construction site by the contracted EPC Contractor. During construction, the amounts to spend on the project will be debited to a long-term asset account categorized as Construction Work-in-Progress, often reported as the last line within the balance sheet classification Property, Equipment and furniture.

There is no depreciation of the accumulated costs until the project is completed and the asset is placed into services. When the completed asset is in operation, the project's accumulated costs will be removed from the Construction Work-in-Progress account and will be debited to the appropriate project asset account.

The asset shall be sufficiently and accurately demonstrated bankable in the Technoeconomic studies (of the Bankable Development), which is the main and only financial and investment tool used to unlock the Total Investment Capital (TIC) required for the Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Operations Management (EPCM) of the project from the financiers and/or investors of MDA CAPITAL INVEST (MDACI).

NOTE: The Bankable Development documentation is the main and most important tool, which is used to attract funding from the financers and/or investors for the Project EPCM. Hence, without a bankable development, there is no project.

What is a Relised project?

A Realised Project is a project that has been successfully developed to bankability, financed, built, guaranteed and put into services. based on the Bankable Development, a realised project is always technoeconomically feasible to generate sufficient incomes required for its sustainable operations management and for repayment back of loan or credit provided by the financier or investors.

NOTE: Successfully realised project are easy to sell or lease.

What is real estate investing?

Real estate investing involves the purchase, management and sale or rental of real estate for profit. Someone who actively or passively invests in real estate is called a real estate investor (or a real estate entrepreneur). Some investors actively develop, improve or renovate properties to make more profits.

For more information, please refer to our Global Real Estate Investment platform.

How Can I Invest?

Select the right real estate investment project on platform and fill out the contact form. We will then contact you back within 24 hours on the next steps.

What do I need to invest?

First and foremost, you need to have available cash in your bank account. Then, all you need to do is to sign the necessary documents, including the Investment Agreement.

How much can I invest?

At Global Investment Platform, the minimum investment capital per investor and per project is EUR 50 and the maximum investment is limited to the Total Investment Capital required for a Project. An investor providing the total investment amount required for a project becomes the sole investor and the sole owner of the ceded shares.

When and how will returns on my investment be paid?

Your incomes or returns on investment are monthly or quarterly paid to your Bank Accounted provided in the Investment Agreement. This is the reason why you always need a transparent bank account to invest on Global Real Estate Investment Platform.

How much does investing cost?

The investment fee is 5% (e.g. US$50 transaction fee on a $1,000 investment transaction), which covers the entry and provcessing costs and a fee of 3.5% on generated incomes that covers the investment management cost. All Investors are discretely registered on's Global Real Estate Platform and Investment banks. At your request, we can reinvest your generated iInvestment Incomes in our European Investmenent Banks at a fixed interested rate up to 5% p.a. No fee is paid on reinvested net incomes. Your discretion and personal data are highly protected under the EU and International Investment Laws.

Is real estate investment good for Beginners?

Yes of course, our Global Real Estate Investment Platform is designed and developed for all category of investors without risks, including startups, individuals and corporate businesses. All our Real Estate properties you invest in are, by law, 100% insured by First Class Insurance Companies. The entire process is transparent and straightforward. Real estate investing is a great way to achieve your financial goals. All you need to do is to select the right Real Estate Investment, then invest the amount you want, and finally start getting paid as scheduled, on a monthly or quarterly basis.

Do I have to tax my investment income?

Often, investment income includes interest and dividends. The income you receive from interest and unqualified dividends are generally taxed at your ordinary income tax rate. Certain dividends, on the other hand, can receive special tax treatment, which are usually taxed at lower long-term capital gains tax rates. The tax for individuals is paid by the issuer (i.e. MDA CAPITA INVEST, a.s.). In the case of corporate businesses, interest income is paid tax-free, i.e. including income tax.

How can I be assured of my Investment Return?

Your money will always be invested in the investment programme you choose the best for you. Our Real estate Investment assets consist exclusively of land acquisition, real estate (residential, industrial, and commercial properties) acquisition and development, ant others. Each project must be first and foremost proven bankable in accordance with its implementation phase as provided below. Each investment transaction must always accurate technoecomic and financial data and information, including attractiveness of the location, the cost of renovation or construction, and the time required, based on which you wil make choice and investment decision:

  1. Bankable Development Return. This phase is generally attractive for Angel Investors and Venture Capital Investors who provides capital for a business or businesses, including startups, usually in exchange for convertible debt or ownership equity.
  2. EPCM (Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Management) phase. This phase is attractive for all category of investors, including startup Invetors, Individuals, corporate businesses and Foreign Direct Investors that are ready to invest under BOT, BOO or in exchange for convertible ownership equity (e.g. 70/30) or outright purchase of the project, including bankable development documentation, land, and permits).



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